Our Story

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In October of 2017, two days after her daughter’s second birthday, Kristen was diagnosed with Stage 3C Ovarian Cancer. It was a complete whirlwind. Kristen went in to surgery with a lot of unknowns and came out six hours later with a cancer diagnosis. Her life would never be the same. 

In 2018, after an intense regimen of chemotherapy, Kristen went in to "remission". Later in the same year, Kristen learned that cancer had returned to her liver. Once again, she went through major surgery and treatment. 

During her own fight, Kristen became aware of the many people struggling to meet their basic needs while undergoing surgery and treatment. Kristen learned of women’s stories who were forced to continue to work during their cancer treatment, unable to take time off for recovery from major surgeries and intense chemotherapy. The financial burden of fighting cancer meant that many people have to jeopardize their health and recovery in order to pay their bills.

After learning about the struggles so many people were facing, Kristen knew that she wanted to provide support by helping offset the costs of basic needs, to allow someone the ability to take an extra week at home after surgery or a few days away from their job when the treatment made them too sick to work.  

Kristen is happy to be "disease free" today. Her walk with cancer has forever changed her perspective and the lives of her entire family.  “My faith carries me through each day, because not every day is easy. Ultimately, God's grace is all each of us has. He is faithful, and not because He gives us the outcomes we desire, but because He gives us the strength to walk through each day and every struggle.”

Learn about the services Gracewill, Inc. provides.